Saturday, April 27, 2013

Reflect-ology pt.2

Just a clarification for the previous "Cooking reflect-ology" post:
The 5 ingredients should be seen as a basis for a dish or two or three.  You don't need to make a whole elaborate menu with them. For example a great salad has 5 ingredients.  Or you could make a rice dish with the five ingredients.  Or a fish dish and a vegetable dish using the 5 ingredients. Using the ingredients together in one or two dishes is probably the most fun and simple way to approach reflect-ology.  It's also more realistic for everyday situations when preparing many plates requires too much time.
I can give you an example using the following ingredients:

Vegetable: red cabbage
Starch: brown rice
Fish, meat or legume or eggs or cheese: ling cod (local white fish)
Condiment, herb, spice: fresh red chili peppers
anything you fancy from the supermarket: papaya

The fish can be steamed or baked wrapped in the red cabbage leaves.  It would be served with the brown rice and a fresh salsa made with the papaya and chili peppers.

This is just an example of the many possibilities.  With the same ingredients you could stir fry the chilies, red cabbage and fish and use them to season the brown rice.  The papaya could be caramelized in a pan and used on top of the rice dish for presentation.

You could add other ingredients like butter and olive oil to cook the fish and the rice or to bread the fish, etc...

The ingredients and combinations are limitless!

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