Monday, April 22, 2013

Kitchen reflect-ology

Sometimes we feel we had enough of the city and work and scream: "I need a holiday!!"  We get sucked right into the routine.  Unfortunately we can't head to some exotic destination whenever we feel like.  Most of the time we can't even sit back and relax in our own home.  We are too stressed, busy and full of schedules and deadlines that we forget to give ourselves a little time-out.  In these situations our eating habits can make things even worst.  We start skipping lunch, eating out too much, cooking the same things all the time or stop cooking altogether.

It's time for some kitchen "REFLECTOLOGY" - stretch, imagine, chop, enjoy.

Try this exercise to get you back into the fun of grocery shopping and cooking for yourself.
Save some time after work for shopping and one hour for cooking.  If you think you need more time, first try the exercise on a Saturday morning.
The idea of this exercise is to break from the rules and habits.  At first it might seem difficult but think about it, don't do what you are used to and feel compelled to, do what you feel like doing.

Let me explain things more clearly.  The exercise has a few simple rules:

- Choose one ingredients from each of the 5 categories below.

- Stray from the ordinary: choose only ingredients that you have not used for a while or that you have never tried.

- Avoid choosing something obscure and totally strange: the ingredients should inspire and create a cooking adventure and discovery - not a nightmare.

These are the 5 categories:
- Vegetable
- Starch
- Fish, meat, legumes, eggs, cheese
- Condiment, herb, spice
- Anything you fancy from the supermarket

Naturally, you can use the basics from your pantry without restrictions: oil, butter, salt, pepper, basic spices, flour, etc.  It's not survival camp!
Don't take too much time shopping.  It should be natural and partly impulsive.  Keep in mind that the ingredients will end up in the same pot or plate.
You have one hour to cook, including 10-15 minutes to research the ingredients and come up with a menu plan.

Adventure and cook. Try new techniques or cooking styles you had ignored or forgot about.  For example if you think steaming is boring - try it!

The point of the exercise is to think about the variety and fun that's ready for you to explore on a daily basis. Cooking can become a necessity but should always be creative and enjoyable.  Don't start thinking that you have to follow the rules every time you cook.  The exercise should be done once in a while when you think you are getting repetitive and need to brainstorm.  It will help you adopt new ingredients, techniques and add "new" to your best recipes and menus.


  1. Great Advice! perfect to spice things up when it gets to easy

  2. I'm looking forward to trying kitchen reflectology! Thanks for the hint and I'll let you know the result!
