Saturday, March 2, 2013


First, I should introduce myself.  I grew up in Italy and later moved to Canada.  I went to hotel school in Italy for 2 years and then took a cooking program in Vancouver, Canada.  Cooking is my big passion but not my current profession.  I did work as a cook for a short time.
I've always been interested in food and moving abroad helped me expand my food horizons: understanding North American, Mexican, Japanese and Chinese food.  I have more of a traditional French/Italian approach to food and cooking.

Liking food is not the same as understanding good food.  Most food lovers will have that epiphany when they realize oh yes this food is "effing good!" It's a special experience and has nothing to do with expensive and elaborate food.  It's about good food and good times.  The term is borrowed by a cooking school classmate and good friend.  His enthusiasm towards life and food was contagious and that's what this blog will try to accomplish.

Food and pleasure are very subjective, cultural and personal.  The blog will at times be dictatorial and politically incorrect in its ideas and like all liberal thought it will for sure give rise to discussions and hopefully induce you - the reader - to more thinking and great ideas.

I'm not trying to make the next "foodie", picture perfect blog but something that talks about various traits of food in life: its experience, psychology, origin, history and much more.
I hope I will be able to entertain, inspire and keep things simple but with a personal identity. English is my second language  I've been writing and speaking in English for a long time but I apologize in advance if here and there you will find some mistakes.  It happens!


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