Friday, March 8, 2013


What's the topic of this blog? G-Astronomy
What do I mean by that? Simply put: "good eating" is bigger than the term gastronomy.

According to the online Oxford dictionary, Gastronomy is "the practice or art of choosing, cooking, and eating good food." Don't you agree? The keywords sum it up nicely: ART! CHOOSING, COOKING, EATING (& DRINKING)

According to the online Oxford dictionary, Astronomy is "the branch of science which deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole" and the word comes from the Greek, astronomos which means "star arranging."  
Good eating is a bit like arranging stars and creating our universe of taste.  We take our telescope and look for unexplored galaxies of flavors. Sometimes we travel for a long time until we reach a distant planet we never thought existed. Other times we have a great dinner experience that feels like a warp drive. Have you ever ended dinner thinking: "that was intergalactic?"
Food is a topic that is as vast as space and equally idealized.  A great food experience is a bit like a science fiction story - something was so good we can hardly believe it was real.

So strap on your helmet, get into your flying pan and delve into g-astronomy.

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